Visionary Leaders : Creating a new Paradigm 

Lumari's  New 6 Week Course:
Create and Activate Your Bigger Vision 

Starts October 15th 

Visionary Leaders
Lighting The Way

Presented By Lumari

LUMARI  interviews  Holly Woods   PhD

How Purpose Precision Amplifies Your Life

It’s a brave new world. We’re prepping for the non-existent, and our rear view mirrors can’t steer us toward what’s ahead. It’s clear that straightforward solutions can’t solve complex dilemmas. We must adapt our own “ways of being” to not only create but perceive reality as something far different and better than we’ve created so far. Yet only a precise purpose will help us to discern just the next step, and then the next one. Leaning into uncertainty requires us to live on the evolutionary edge.

Holly Woods   PhD

Founder: Emergence Institute

Holly Woods PhD, Founder of Emergence Institute, is a visionary who sees deeply into others’ souls. She activates and catalyzes what wants to come alive in people and guides them to manifest their dreams through practical strategies.

With 30 years experience, she helps entrepreneurs, visionaries and innovators uncover their nuanced purpose, gain capacities and mindset to attain their unreasonable goals, and align decisions, products and systems around what matters most.

FREE GIFT: The Roots of Purpose Audio Course

The Roots of Purpose course

The Roots of Purpose course is based on Dr. Holly Woods’ #1 bestselling book The Golden Thread: Where to Find Purpose in the Stages of Your Life to help you identify where you are in your own purpose trajectory and what may be holding you back. This 7-week course will explore the

life-altering themes of how your purpose lives in you as a Golden Thread that weaves intentionally (and intently) through every phase of your life so that you can live a life of greater meaning, resolve what holds you back, and have more impact. Dr. Woods will bring to life the foundational

messages from the book and provide an interactive and exploratory review of how your own Golden Thread can guide your life’s trajectory. Follow along by reading the book:

Picture of Lumari


Host of Visionary Leader Lighting the way Summit

Lumari is a gifted, internationally acclaimed Intuitive Coach, Creative Catalyst and Vibrational Energy Master. For over twenty-five years, she has shown thousands of people all over the world to create the High Vibe shifts to live their Higher Soul’s Callings and Create and Activate Your Bigger Vision. 

Born with special multi-dimensional psychic, conscious channeling, creative and healing gifts, Lumari serves as a catalyst, guide and inspiration for personal and planetary change, evolution and awakening. She is an award-winning and bestselling author of numerous break-through spiritual, metaphysical and self-help books.

In a fusion of her many spiritual gifts, Lumari mentors with high vibration, psychic and practical wisdom, guiding her clients to continue to reach new heights of awakening, fulfillment and success, make a positive difference in our world - and have fun doing it. 

Lumari's  New 6 Week Course:
Create and Activate Your Bigger Vision 

Starts October 15th 

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