We are ready to transform our world! It all starts with you!
You need a Bigger Vision to become a Visionary Leader ~ Lighting the Way for our future!
I'm inviting you to Join us in a realm beyond limits in my NEW live course Create and Activate Your Bigger Vision
Create and Activate Your Bigger Vision
Your Price - right now Early special $597.00 - Now $297.00
It's time to shift our world into the beautiful, inspired, gifted community and wholeness that we know is possible - and that we are here to create!
That's why I created my Create and Activate your Bigger Vision course and training.
This is a new, course, with special attunements, new frequencies, and a special CREATION PORTAL, to access highly spiritual frequencies and Alawashka™ Creation energies, so you can connect to the Highest Vibrations for your Bigger Vision and resonate to the heart and truth that will transform your life and our world. That is why you came to this planet, that is why you are here, reading this, right now.
Now we are gathering a select group of people to Create and Activate Your Bigger Vision, and then expand! This is the first time Lumari is taking this course public.
Why don't People have access to their Bigger Vision?
It's because your Bigger Vision is beyond present awareness, beyond your known purpose, beyond what you know and dream right now. Your Bigger Vision is beyond goals, and beyond your career path, it's not what you think,
It is much bigger.
Your Soul's Higher Calling is asking you to fulfill your Bigger Vision in this lifetime.
Now, my course, Create and Activate Your Bigger Vision is highly advanced, transformational 'work and play' to shift into your possibilities and to connect with your Bigger Vision.
Coming Soon
So, what is your Bigger Vision?
Your Bigger Vision is a spiritual awakening. It is the dream that your soul is yearning to create, so you can fully express your many sacred gifts and make a huge difference in our world.
Your Bigger Vision holds your own sacred gifts, your soul’s higher callings and your destiny and it is bigger than you know or can conceive of right now.
Creating and Activating Your Bigger Vision, and bringing your Bigger Vision into Being, Alters Reality.
Your Bigger Vision exists in a realm beyond limits. It is a more expressive aspect of your higher calling and generates a more expansive global influence. It is part of a larger plan and is in all ways beneficial to the greater global community, planet and Cosmic All.
Your Bigger Vision is Grand in scope and naturally expansive!
It's time to shift our world into the beautiful, inspired, gifted community and wholeness that we know is
possible - and that we are here to create!
That's why I created my Create and Activate Your Bigger Vision course and training.

Create and Activate Your Bigger Vision
Your Price - right now Early special $597.00 - Now $297.00
Where we play!
My course, Create and Activate your Bigger Vision, is a spiritual journey with real world expression that lights the way for your life and our world. This is advanced, transformational participation that changes your life and uplifts our world. Spiritual activations, Personal healing, Life Focus, Shifts in Consciousness, Awareness and new areas of Alignment are all present - each session.
So, this is BIG.
This whole course is a CREATION PORTAL
for us all.
I will be guiding you to Create and Activate Your Bigger Vision, so you can fulfill your own higher calling, which is also part of the evolution of human consciousness. This course and training will make a clear difference in your life and bring new frequencies to our world in ways that are in perfect alignment with your own life, all life and the Cosmic All!
Create and Activate Your Bigger Vision includes
6 LIVE training sessions. Each session contains deep and transformational teachings, practices, visualizations and activations to guide you. In this course, you move from your present understanding of YOUR NOW, into YOUR BIGGER VISION which is the Greater Expression for your Soul’s Higher Callings. Get ready to engage!
Create and Activate Your Bigger Vision
is where Vibrational, Creation, Healing, Intuitive, Spiritual, Transformational Systems and Practical results are at play!
Your Bigger Vision Journey, Sacred Focus and Activations
Each week for 6 weeks, we have a sacred teaching and a channeling, an awakening expansion, a clearing and healing, and special activations to increase your sacred alignments with the Divine energies.
Each session of your Bigger Vision journey, creates a rich alignment with your sacred gifts, a deep knowing of your chosen destiny, and brings you teachings to expand your personal path, healing and more.
My Create and Activate Your Bigger Vision Course is a mystical and practical spiritual journey. I bring a fusion of many disciplines to awaken your greater vision, clear limitations, accelerate your brilliance and create your Bigger Vision.
And we'll have fun doing it!
Vibrational, Creation, Healing, Intuitive, Transformational Systems at play!
I’ll be bringing in the energies of Alawashka™, the Original Language and Vibrational Source of Creation to unveil, activate and engage your higher soul's callings and dreams.
I’ll be connecting with my own multi-dimensional intuitive and evolutionary gifts and calling in high vibrational spiritual energies, which include the Akashic Records, Spirit Guides, and Divine Ones to help you in this journey.
I’ll be bringing in the ShollamayaTM Healing Frequencies, my own sacred healing method and energies to help you gracefully move into your Bigger Vision with joyful understanding.
We’ll be doing a series of guided meditations, clearings, activations, journaling, and flowing with very powerful frequencies to create shifts and expansions.
This 6 Level course where each session builds and expands upon each other to create a matrix of energies,
Create and Activate Your Bigger Vision course and training
includes the following 6 modules LIVE with Lumari
Coming Soon
Level 1
Explore your Life Vision
This session is intimate and life-altering! This will blow your mind.
You have been in an exploration all of your life. And ... what is the focus of your exploration? What have you uncovered about your own life and your Life Vision? What if you could unveil your true self and see the magic, power, presence and expansive understanding of who you are right now
Do you know your mystery? Do you know your awakening?
Level 2
Liberate the Pathways
This session is personal, powerful and liberating! What does FREEDOM mean to you?
There are so many patterns and thoughts and beliefs that roll through our world. So many of the limitations and so much of the confusion sets you up for patterns that confuse and diminish your vision! The beauty of deep, powerful work for transformation is that when you really engage, when you make a commitment to go full into you ... you create openings.
What will your life be like when you Open and expand your knowing, claim your truth, and be your unmistakable YOU? Imagine that!
Level 3
Awaken Your Bigger Vision
This session is awakening, expansive and transformational!
Ah! Now the journey really unfolds. This is a new realm to explore why you are so much greater than you know. This is the space to realize your personal mystery and your heartful, yet hidden dreams. More than the journey, which is always unfolding, now, you open to Awaken to your Bigger Vision.
Now you can see, know and experience your Bigger Vision and celebrate your expansive truth!
Level 4
Activate Your Bigger Vision
This session is magnifying, transcendent!
When you experience an Activation, you are Called and you are a Calling Forth! Activating is engaging, enlivening, All the lights are on and you can see, as well as feel and know the qualities, the vision, the matrix of the beauty and its reverberations. Now you Activate your Bigger Vision.
Level 5
Embody Your Bigger Vision
This session is awe-inspiring, breathtaking, and real!
How does your Bigger Vision connect with our world? When you can awaken, experience the growing and inspiring frequencies, you are in an awe-inspiring space. Your Bigger Vision is so much more than an understanding and an insight. It is you, embodying the higher vibrations of your being.
Experience the flow, frequencies and connections of your Bigger Vision to your life, to the lives or others and to our global community! This is so much more than walking your talk. You are walking the vibrations of your Being and uplifting more than you know.
Level 6
Celebrate Your Bigger Vision
This session is pure celebration and blessing in action!
Now, you are the celebration of your Bigger Vision. The frequencies are present in this moment. You are inspired and you are an inspiration for positive, uplifting change. You are the Blessing of your Bigger Vision. Can you experience the celebration of your Higher Soul Calling reverberating through the world and beyond? This session brings the forces to light in so many different ways!
Celebrate Your Bigger Vision and be joyfully fulfilled, amazed and bring your resonance into harmony.
Our Unleash Your Bigger Vision coaching program meets 1 time per week for 6 weeks to accelerate your brilliance aligned with your Soul. We'll also exchange emails, you'll have online downloads, meditations, some fun homework and more.
Coming Soon
6 weeks program
Create and Activate
Your Bigger Vision
Begins Soon
Regular Price $597.00 - Now $297.00