Visionary Leaders : Creating a new Paradigm 

Lumari's  New 6 Week Course:
Create and Activate Your Bigger Vision 

Starts October 15th 

Visionary Leaders
Lighting The Way

Presented By Lumari

LUMARI  interviews  Patricia Albere

Evolutionary Leadership for Shared Unity

The karmic momentum of leadership arises from thousands of years of domination and subjugation. Although in modern times we have created more inspiring and empowering forms of leadership, if we look into the world, none of it is really working. The solutions to our future cannot be found in the current paradigm.

Evolution creates the potentials for existence. Fortunately there are new evolutionary potentials that can carry us forward, beyond separation and divisiveness. SHARED UNITY is a new evolutionary potential. Join Patricia Albere, a globally respected visionary and leading edge spiritual teacher to discover a radically new perspective on leadership.

Patricia Albere

Founder: Evolutionary Collective

Patricia Albere is at ground zero of an evolutionary stream of spiritual awakening. 

Just as meditation can be an opening to an individual awakening, Albere originated the Mutual Awakening Practice – a 21st century spiritual practice that empowers us to enter into new dimensions of relating and expanding consciousness together. One in which we learn to go beyond individual psychology and transformation into a new space of mutual awakening or inter-being.

Patricia experience and teachings of shared awakening points to a new dimension of consciousness and an extraordinary possibility for humanity’s future.

Introduction to Mutual Awakening e-Course

5-module digital,  e-Course

This 5-module digital, self-study e-Course integrates teachings from Patricia Albere's best-selling book Evolutionary Relationships: Unleashing the Power of Mutual Awakening and practices designed to deepen relatedness and connection.

In this e-Course you will discover the exciting truth that there is a new and easily accessible way to connect and to establish your consciousness in a larger, more fluid field. Eyes open, speaking, moving, loving and acting inside a profoundly intimate, connected consciousness. We’ve seen

sports teams and musicians move into a kind of flow that we know is a part of our human potential. Now it’s time for all of us to live inside that

depth of connection.

Picture of Lumari


Host of Visionary Leader Lighting the way Summit

Lumari is a gifted, internationally acclaimed Intuitive Coach, Creative Catalyst and Vibrational Energy Master. For over twenty-five years, she has shown thousands of people all over the world to create the High Vibe shifts to live their Higher Soul’s Callings and Create and Activate Your Bigger Vision. 

Born with special multi-dimensional psychic, conscious channeling, creative and healing gifts, Lumari serves as a catalyst, guide and inspiration for personal and planetary change, evolution and awakening. She is an award-winning and bestselling author of numerous break-through spiritual, metaphysical and self-help books.

In a fusion of her many spiritual gifts, Lumari mentors with high vibration, psychic and practical wisdom, guiding her clients to continue to reach new heights of awakening, fulfillment and success, make a positive difference in our world - and have fun doing it. 

Lumari's  New 6 Week Course:
Create and Activate Your Bigger Vision 

Starts October 15th 

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