Visionary Leaders : Creating a new Paradigm 

Lumari's  New 6 Week Course:
Create and Activate Your Bigger Vision 

Starts October 15th 

Visionary Leaders
Lighting The Way

Presented By Lumari


The Fluidity of the Visionary Leader

Visionary leaders must be able to make seamless shifts between taking the lead and surrendering that role to others on the team. This

flexibility and agility are hallmarks of servant leadership that sees everyone as inherently equal in capability and heart.


CEO of The Heartly Center™

Stroke survivor, self-mastery expert, and CEO of The Heartly Center™, Valerie helps people live with more courage, confidence, inner peace and happiness, using the wisdom in her multi-award-winning, #1 best-seller, “Living Happy to Be ME!: Dancing Your Soul Lightstyle ©". 

She is a Certified Master trainer, a member of the National Society of Leadership and Success, and on Board of the Evolutionary Business Council. She is an expert on leadership, fulfillment and success.

FREE GIFT: Soar into Your High-Vibe Life.

Soar into Your High-VibeLife: video

Valerie provides some practical tips and tools for creating more peace, love, joy and freedom in this quick and insightful video.

Picture of Lumari


Host of Visionary Leader Lighting the way Summit

Lumari is a gifted, internationally acclaimed Intuitive Coach, Creative Catalyst and Vibrational Energy Master. For over twenty-five years, she has shown thousands of people all over the world to create the High Vibe shifts to live their Higher Soul’s Callings and Create and Activate Your Bigger Vision. 

Born with special multi-dimensional psychic, conscious channeling, creative and healing gifts, Lumari serves as a catalyst, guide and inspiration for personal and planetary change, evolution and awakening. She is an award-winning and bestselling author of numerous break-through spiritual, metaphysical and self-help books.

In a fusion of her many spiritual gifts, Lumari mentors with high vibration, psychic and practical wisdom, guiding her clients to continue to reach new heights of awakening, fulfillment and success, make a positive difference in our world - and have fun doing it. 

Lumari's  New 6 Week Course:
Create and Activate Your Bigger Vision 

Starts October 15th 

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