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Download Instructions for
Personal Sacred Space Meditation by Lumari
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For Desktop Users:
- Right-click on the download link.
- Select "Save link as..." or "Save target as..." from the menu.
- Choose your preferred location (e.g., the Downloads folder) to save the file.
- Click "Save".
- Control-click (or right-click if you have a two-button mouse) on the download link.
- Select "Download Linked File As..." or "Save Link As...".
- Choose your preferred location (e.g., the Downloads folder) to save the file.
- Click "Save".
For Mobile Users:
- Tap and hold the download link.
- A menu will appear. Select "Download Linked File" or "Save Link".
- The file will be saved in your Files app, usually under Downloads.
- Tap and hold the download link.
- A menu will appear. Select "Download link" or "Save link".
- The file will be saved in your device's Downloads folder, accessible via the Files app or a similar file manager app.
My Personal Sacred Space meditation is a special gift, so you can make the sacred a welcome and integral part of your own being.
What is Personal Sacred Space?
Personal Sacred Space is the energy, clarity and protection you create around and within your self. To make space sacred we must bring the sacred into our lives. My Personal Sacred Space meditation helps you feel clear and whole, connected to your deeper self and in touch with your own energy, vision and purpose.
In this meditation, I’m teaching you a new way of bringing that sacred within yourself, so your life and your world holds and reflects the sacred in your life. That is bringing the sacred to a richer experience in your life.
I’ve created my Personal Sacred Space meditations to help you create an inclusive, beautiful energy for you – so you can experience Personal Sacred Space for your body, mind and spirit. This Personal Sacred Space meditation will help you engage in your own brilliance, feel the beauty of your soul and spirit and shine in your life.
Download this meditation and do my Personal Sacred Space Meditation as often as you like. This is just a small piece of the energies I work with, bring to you and share to help you flourish
Thank you for participating and sharing your gifts with me and us all.
Many Blessings,