It’s so beautiful to wake up in the quiet of early morning and see the light change from dark to gold to bright. The light is alive with morning. It shimmers through the trees, and here in new Mexico, I see the sun rise over the mountains.
Vibrationally and metaphorically, sunrise and light is a sign of hope and possibility. It’s a new day. It’s a new light. Today can be different and filled with even great opportunities for blessings.
Let’s focus on that right now. Let’s focus on the opportunities for blessings. I’m inviting you, right now, to join in this meditation to receive light, love, hope and possibility. Please do this meditation and share it with your friends, family and tribe to bring new energies into your life and into our world.
Take a slow deep breath. And close your eyes.
Center yourself.
Tune into the energies of morning light.
Feel this sweet light filling you.
This shimmering light holds peace and promise.
This shimmering light holds beauty and blessing.
This shimmering light holds hope and opportunity.
This shimmering light brings healing.
Take a slow deep breath. This shimmering light brings you healing and blessings right now. Feel this light move through your body touching the top of your head, moving gently down your body through your head, your shoulders, your heart, down through your center, moving through your spine, your back, your hips and down your legs to the soles of your feet.
This shimmering light brings you love and possibility.
This shimmering light brings you peace and promise.
This shimmering light brings you beauty and blessing.
This shimmering light brings you hope and opportunity.
This shimmering light brings you healing.
Now, Take a slow deep breath.
Encourage and allow this light to fill you and move you to let go of what is no longer necessary. Encourage and allow this light to fill you and move you to attract and bring in all that is blessed, bountiful and healing to your life. You are renewed with this shimmering light.
Take another slow deep breath and open your eyes.
Delight in this shimmering light. Do this meditation often and enjoy the elegant shifts you will receive. May the new energies of hope, healing, beauty and opportunity flow in your life and our world.
I’d love to hear from you, and share these blessings, too!.
This is Lumari, sending you Many Blessings.