What if you fall more in love with yourself today?

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What if you fall more in love with yourself today?

What if you discover more of yourself that you love, and in the love, you are ready to take the next steps to embrace and share your life?

Can you imagine the changes, the joy and courage and impact you will have – both in your self and in the world, when you really love your self?

What if you could have that now? Why would you wait?

I Love to bring in these advanced frequencies of love, awakening, evolution and joy and share them with all of my clients. They way the guidance isn’t limited to great advice and profound teachings and deep conversations. Of course, it’s all of that and ha-ha! It’s more. Everything is woven and expressed with the highest frequencies of love and spirit that are right for you! The highest frequencies that are fine tuned, accelerated, blessed and harmonizing with you.

That brings so much more into your life! That’s what you want! That is also why I love to see the growth, the joy and the success that my clients share and live every day! And we’re having fun doing it! When you feel and experience and then live from these higher energies, these energies of exalted love and spirit, you become the “more of you.” You gain more, you are living inspired and are carrying the light you are ready to share!

So, I ask you …

Can you imagine the changes, the joy and courage and impact you will have – both in your self and in the world, when you really love your self?

What will your life be and become when you can feel that love, that richness of your soul shining in every aspect of your life?

What if you could have that now?

Receive these powerful and inspiring frequencies, an uplift right now!
Listen to my new meditation poem, “IT’S LOVE.” This poem is a journey, a meditation into the frequencies of love that connect with the gateways of universal love. It’s a whole new expression and genre of meditation and healing that I am now creating, channeling and sharing with you.

Allow and encourage the words of my poem, “IT’S LOVE,” to move you to experience and express the frequencies, the higher levels of love that exist beyond our knowing.

Many Blessings!

    2 replies to "The Frequencies of Love Meditation"

    • Lyzzard

      YOU ARE LOVE & I LOVE YOU!!!!!

    • Monica

      Your “It’s Love” mediation poem is spectacular! I linked together your “Embracing Chaos” meditation with your “It’s Love” mediation and opened to a new feeling of motion and flow. The depth and richness of your energy is so inspiring and rich.
      Love you!

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