Do you know that what stops you, or slows you down or diverts you has nothing to do with your dreams?
There are undercurrents that mess with your plans.
Hidden in these undercurrents are all of these ideas, thoughts, emotions and past situations that influence you. It’s not just about getting stuff and reaching goals; it’s also about releasing all of the negativity or restrictions or inappropriate aspects of your life and making room for more of you.
It’s time to try something different.
Get ready to “Catch and Release.”
“Catch and Release” is a new practice I’m sharing to help you let go of One Small Thing, one problem, one nagging thought, one blocked emotion, one unevolved concept that’s no longer beneficial to your life. This opens the way for your dreams to be fulfilled.
That’s “Catch and Release.”
Are you ready to swim in a really big pond?
In this episode of the Cosmic Coffee Break, I’m guiding you in my new Catch and Release practice so you can clear your attachments, energy and thoughts to create more fulfillment and purpose for new beginnings in your life.