
What would life look like if you were Living Inspired every day?

When you are Living Inspired, you no longer feel separated from your purpose, your destiny and the world. You are the conscious, active expression of the gifts, purpose and destiny you carry. You are the magic. And your magic, the magic of Living Inspired, brings your success, spiritual connection, healing and soul purpose into the world in powerful, meaningful and joyful ways.

Are you ready for that?

To share a little about what possibilities this may have for you, I’ve included an Excerpt from Chapter 1 of my book,
Engage the Lights of Awakening, Revelation and Transformation

“Inspiration is divine communication and invitation. The Divine, a gracious and endless being through which universes rise into light and disperse into the cosmic night, calls to you. She sends a light, an exclusive message, to you. This brilliance begins as a whisper, sweetly touching you and asking you to play. “Will you come and play? Will you join this sacred dance? I have wonders and beauty to share with you.”

A shimmer, a breeze, and a soft electric pulse moves within you. Can you feel it? Do you recognize it? Most inspiration sent to you goes unnoticed. It lingers and then dissipates. And you don’t notice, and you don’t know that you are supposed to notice.

Read more and listen to the audio Many people have a complete misconception of inspiration. They do not even think of inspiration at all. They do not expect to be inspired because it doesn’t even occur to them. They are completely unaware.

The misconceptions about inspiration are many. It’s time to burst apart the illusions about inspiration and suspend the ideas of a whimsical, capricious muse of inspiration that most likely will pass you by, if you even notice it. I love to share a new way of active participation with inspiration that can change your life and uplift our world. I want to open the way for you to recognize inspiration and have a deep and powerful understanding of it. Then fully engage it. Are you ready to explore and play?”

I’m just giving you a glimpse of the conversations, wisdom and energy of my new book. Are you open to explore new possibilities of Living Inspired in your life?
Would you like to celebrate your gifts and purpose in joy, freedom and fulfillment?

When you read my book, Living Inspired With Lumari or call me to schedule a private session, then you will advance to Living Inspired and experience even more joy, purpose, fulfillment and inspiration in your life.

I’m looking forward to sharing, coaching and celebrating the more of you, with you!

Please, contact me to schedule a call to explore your brilliance.

Sending you Many Blessings,

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