Honor Blessing from LUMARI "I am Honored to be in that moment when the sun cascades the last light of the day into the clouds and the mountains"

Honor is such an amazing quality to receive and bestow. It’s not just the dedications that people make. It’s not the awards we receive. Honor is a distinct quality and energy filled with gratitude, appreciation and recognition. It confers respect in the highest ways possible. Honor holds rich levels of integrity as guidance for higher ways of being. Please enjoy and share this “Honor Blessing and Meditation by Lumari”.

As we honor the flow of life, we elevate our world. As you honor the beauty in life and in people, you uplift our lives and our world. When you bestow honor, you uplift the lower frequencies and judgments that are focused on fear and destruction. You add grace, understanding and respect to our world.

I taught courses and frequencies of honor in my Alawashka Gatherings, and the shift in people who were ready and open to hold honor and practice honor was glorious. They were radiant in their own being and that radiance, coming from honor, change the world around them.

It may not be easy to hold honor for everything, just because of the conversations in our world. But, we can change that! You can change that right now. If you hold honor for certain things, for nature, for your family for your loved ones, and then expand that further, you can raise the frequencies on our planet. When you hold and bestow honor, the circle of honor grows. Just by expanding your understanding of honor and by sharing honor, we can raise the vibrations on our world. That’s why I want to share this Honor Blessing and Meditation with you.

I’m sharing this honor blessing with you, today, so you can immediately uplift your own life and our world. Just listen to and read this honor blessing as a declaration and feel the shift and the healing that unfolds in your whole life.

This honor blessing is a simple step to take. Just listen to the audio and read this blessing with clarity and honor and blessings will fill you.

And, please share this blessing with others. It is timeless. You can say it every day. This special frequencies encoded in this blessing can uplift your life and our world. I’m all in for that!
Blessings to you!

Honor Blessing and Meditation from Lumari

I am honored to be in that moment,
that moment that is every moment,
when life radiates Her blessings.

I am honored to be in that moment
when the sun cascades the last light of day
into the clouds and the mountains.

I am honored to be in that moment,
when the Divine breath and my breath
smile upon each other in a partnership, of blessings.

I am honored to be in that moment,
in the dance of life,
to be, to shine and to reflect the wonders.

I honor you, for who you are, for the life you’ve led
and for the person you are striving to be.

I honor your heart and courage.

I honor your gifts and expression.

I honor the pathway of beauty that our world provides and we can share.

I honor you. I honor you. I honor you.

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    4 replies to "Honor Blessing and Meditation by Lumari"

    • Lynn Swanson

      Thank you for this profound gift of honor. It resonates deep within. The warmth places me back in our Alawashka circle when we were introduced to this as the First Lesson. It renews the gracious quality in my life and renders honor a sacred truth to live by each day. Honor shifts us to a place where love and trust may follow. How beautiful! I honor you for bringing these gifts to our world.

    • Lumari

      Thank you Lynn! I honor the blessings and the gifts that you are and that you share! And thank you for remembering the sacred energies. Love that you keep on playing, celebrating and sharing your light!

      I honor you, my dear!!

    • edye

      Thank you Lumari. bless you and all you do!

      • Lumari

        Thank you Edye. Blessings to you and thank you for sharing with us!

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