BLOG-Random Acts of Mindness
There’s always some fun and interesting things in travel. And I always like great surprises. I had a really quick trip to LA the other day, seeing a variety of different clients and taking care of business. The weather was gorgeous the timing was perfect on every single aspect of my trip. And even though there were so many things to do everything got done in perfect timing.

Peter and I were walking through LAX getting ready to go on our flight, when I saw this woman who worked at the airport. This beautiful Hispanic older woman looked so tired and put upon. She was dragging too huge bins of garbage and since we were traveling on an evening flight, she looked like she had been working double shift.

I told Peter I’d be right back, and scooted over to the woman. I reached into my pocket and grabbed a couple of bills. Then I tapped her on the shoulder.

“Can I give you something to make you smile?” I asked her.

Of course she looked at me like I was a little crazy. So, I repeated myself and I could see the tired worried look on her face. I smiled at her and gave her the couple of bills that were in my hand. She looked at the money. Then she looked up in my face and started to smile. Then she began laughing.

I said, “Thank you.” She said, “Thank you.” And I went on my way.

It was a blast to be able to shift someone’s energy and change their day just like that. What tickles me is that it was a flash in my mind. I didn’t plan it. It’s not a typical routine for me. This was a random act of “mind-ness.” It was completely out of the ordinary. I was just passing by, saw her face and knew she needed a treat.

That’s one bonus I got and that she got from me working on my Heal Your Money Karma event. Shifting energy of money, I could do something really simple and make someone smile and share wealth-being.

What are things you’ve done, what are at random acts of mind-ness that you’ve done that you know has benefited someone else?

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