The Teaching of Moments by Lumari
You are a Divine essence. Your sacred self is alive and present, right now. And by taking the time to be the heart of your self, you can experience and know the deeper, richer and more profound aspects of your Divine essence.
The secret to being a Divine essence and recognizing your own Divinity is in the practice of seeing the Divine in all things. There is no difference between the sacredness of a tree and the sacredness of a child. There is no difference in the sanctity of a stone and the sanctity of a leaf. There is no difference in the Divinity of a person and the Divinity of the air. All is sacred and Divine.
While these words seem to echo of old teachings, they are always new. A true teaching traverses time. It doesn’t waver in the social climate or because new technology is present. It’s not merely true in the abstract, where most people can agree. It is profoundly true in the deeply personal moments of life.
To experience this wisdom, you must open to the small moments of life and breathe them. This is where the Divine reveals itself. This is where the profound unveils its magic. Each moment of your life can expose you to the brilliance of being.
Read more and Listen to the Audio
The sacred is everywhere. You may be attuned to experiencing it in special ways, but it is not the objective experience that reveals the sacred. It is the inner moment that touches the Divine. You may feel the greatness of Spirit in nature, when the majesty of a perfect New Mexico sky exceeds your own vision. You may feel the wonders of Spirit when you smell the fragrance of a rose, shining in the full summer sun. You may understand the Oneness of all humanity when you celebrate special holidays with your loved ones.
Yet, you experience that Divinity in the sanctity of the moment. It is not the sky, the rose or the holiday. It is in the moment, when you allow your eyes to open and your hearts to smile at the truth of it all. This is a marvel. It means that you are never far from recognizing and breathing in the Divine. Every moment is an opportunity for awakening into joy. Each petal of a flower, every phrase of music, each person in the supermarket is an opportunity for seeing and knowing the Goddess, the Divine, the Great Spirit, the All.
Right now, in this moment, I will guide you in a short meditation so you can be open to make a new connection with your Divine essence.
Take a slow deep breath and Close your eyes.
Take another slow, deep breath
Allow yourself to center and feel a gentle ease. Feel your energy move into a graceful center in your being.
Let your heart smile.Take another slow, deep breath
Let this moment fill you with harmony, beauty, peace and knowing.Take another slow, deep breath
Feel the sacredness of life. It flows in this moment. It flows in you.Take another slow, deep breath and say to yourself:
“Life is moments, revealing wonders in an endless display of delight.
Each moment I become more of my Divine essence.”Take another slow, deep breath and open your eyes.
Cherish the moments and life will expand within you.
May your moments surround and fill you.
I’m looking forward to sharing, coaching and celebrating the more of you, with you!
Please, give me a call and email me to schedule a call to explore your brilliance.
Many blessings.
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4 replies to "The Teaching of Moments"
Thank you, Lumari, for this beautiful and fulfilling moment with you and the energies. I feel centered as I go forward.
Thank you Lynn! Thank you for sharing and celebrating your moments. SO much appreciation!
Thank you, LUMARI, for a lovely
Expansion of awareness and joy
In the sacredness of all beings!
Thank you Lynne! Thank you for sharing and for participating in this meditation. This sacred moment expands to all beings. Thank you for saying it so well!